Porn Addiction For Females | Powerful Subliminal (Requested)

. Let go of porn addiction forever. . Focus on character instead of the body . Love yourself from within . Let go all inappropriate and perverted habits . Forget the feeling of orgasming to porn . Allow yourself to become drier at the idea or sight of porn . No longer turned on by empty sex . Allow your creative energy to build-up . Allow your brain to heal from all the damaging effects . Release pornographic images in your memory with loving memories . No longer allow the body to have power over you . Let go of all impure thoughts . Appreciate and love yourself from within . Respect and appreciate yourself from within . Be mindful and careful of who you allow having your energy . Only allow people who understand you to receive you . Appreciate people for who they really are on the inside . Replace mental triggers with self-loving and empowering triggers . Replace desires with personal interests and hobbies . Allow the vibration of 528hz to protect your mind . The vibration of faith to speed up your mental healing . Message your father or brother instead of watching porn . Feel the emptiness and regret instead of the rush . Focus on the pure and loving things in your life - If you can remember to donate, big or small it's greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. There's a lot of quality time and expenses that go into each Link- CashApp - $Seilukeworld - I've studied physics, specialized psychology, and linguistics my entire life. I make these as a non-profit owner and all proceeds go towards helping even more of life/humanity evolve... Modern psychologists have always supported affirmations in order to reprogram the mind's subconscious. It takes 21 days to grow a new living paradigm, and 90 days to create a completely new reality. Although through imagination and creativity subliminal message creators have taken the field to new frontiers. Now one may see results to some degree at new record times. Paradigms are the habitual set of habits and beliefs that formulate together in one's subconscious mind creating all of their thoughts, actions, self-worth, decisions, even eye colors, and physical features that have been changed through these mental paradigms. As energy is constantly flowing through us it's our subconscious minds paradigms really dictating where that energy goes. Everything first starts with your mind. Neuropathic experts all agree that it's our actual thoughts that then create the neuro pathways in our brain. Wow. It's very backward world humanity has been programmed into. And now exploited by a few. Everything first starts in our minds and then our energetic beings adjust accordingly. The physical realm is all an illusion. -----------------How this video works------------------ 1. The images shift one's focus thus shifting their reality, as our focus creates our reality. It's NOT required to view the images! 2. The messages are played silently for the conscious mind cannot reject the idea. 3. The music stimulates your emotions the most important part, as our subconscious mind runs solely on emotion. Also, distract the conscious mind from the subliminal messages being played more quietly. -------------Tips-------------- .Above all remember to wear headphones . DO NOT listen while driving or operating machinery . Breathe and drink plenty of water . Listen at least 30 minutes daily Subliminal Affirmations ©Seiluke