Nonsurgical treatment of skeletal asymmetrical Class III Malocclusion|【Chris Chang Ortho】716

This is a non-surgical treatment of skeletal asymmetrical Class III malocclusion. Gender determines when growth spurt ends and treatment can begin. Anterior crossbite can be treated by first opening up the bite with posterior bite turbos and then applying ELSE and CIII elastics. 這是一個透過不開刀,使用不對稱拔牙和自鎖式矯正系統來治療骨性不對稱Class III咬合不正的案例。性別會造成快速生長期的差異,決定適合的治療時機。透過後牙Bite turbo打開咬合,再利用ELSE和CIII elastics來矯正前牙錯咬。