Class III + Functional Shift + Congenital Missing L5s|【Chris Chang Ortho】712

This is a CIII malocclusion with bilateral impactions and anterior crossbite treated with aligners without miniscrews. Impactions were treated with serial extractions after active growth is completed to create space for spontaneous eruption. Bite turbos and tongue blades alone could correct moderate anterior crossbite. 這是一個用隱適美改善三類咬合合併雙側阻生齒和前牙錯咬的案例。在此案例中並未使用骨釘。在快速生長期結束後透過連續計畫性的拔牙,創造空間,使阻生齒可以自然萌發。並利用bite turbos和tongue blade來矯正輕微的前牙錯咬。