Michelangelo - The Last Giant | Biography | Full DOCUMENTARY

Michelangelo - The Last Giant | Biography | Full DOCUMENTARY Michelangelo |THE LIFE OF AN ARTIST | Documentary Michelangelo | Biography, Works & Significance | Bio BIO #Michelangelo - Renaissance Artist & Inventor | Bio BIO #michelangelobuonarroti biography Michelangelo - life of an artist Michelangelo - important art Michelangelo artwork (High Renaissance) Michelangelo Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni ____________ - Born: March 6, 1475; Arezzo, Caprese, Italy - Died: February 18, 1564; Rome, Italy - Active Years: 1488 - 1564 - Nationality: #italia Italian - Art Movement: High #renaissance - Painting School: #florentine School - Genre: #sculpture - Field: #painting sculpture #architecture - Influenced by: #giotto #Masaccio - Influenced on: Auguste Rodin, Henry Moore, Jose Clemente Orozco, Raphael, Daniele da Volterra, Maarten de Vos, Titian, Théodore Géricault, Edgar Degas, Jean-Francois Millet, John Singer Sa