Different of Philadelphia, is 38 years Life of Phoenix

The purpose of our YouTube channel and the videos posted on it is to show that people (women and men) who have become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and have lost their jobs, housing and, in most cases, their families, are still people who need help and support from volunteers or caring people.    Therefore, the purpose of these videos is to point out the problems that people (women and men) face on the streets of cities, without proper treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, social support, and the neglect of society, which does not consider them human beings.    In these videos, using artificial intelligence, we want to show you short stories in photos, people (women and men) and stories about them if everything in their lives had worked out as well as possible without alcohol or drug addiction. In this video, using artificial intelligence, we want to show you a short story in a photo about a woman named Monique. We also want you to listen to an interesting story written by artificial