Hostile Calm - “Abduction“

Live promo Hostile Calm “Abduction“ shooting by “Dark Cinema“ studio editing by Constantine Pochin from the poem of Robert Southey “Shewing How an Old Woman Rode Double, and Who Rode Before Her“ They blessed the woman's winding sheet With rites and prayers due, With holy water they sprinkled her shroud And they sprinkled her coffin too. And they chain'd her in her coffin of stone, And with iron barr'd it down, And in the church with three strong chains They chain'd it to the ground. A hideous roar at the church door, Like a long thunder peal, And the priests they pray'd and the choristers sung Louder in fearful zeal. Louder and louder the choristers sung As they trembled more and more. And the fifty priests pray'd to Heaven for aid,— They never had pray'd so before. And a sound was heard like the trumpet's blast That shall one day wake the dead, The strong church door could bear no more, And the bolts and the bars they fled. And in he came with eyes of flame The devil to fetch the dead, And all the church with his presence glow'd Like a fiery furnace red. He laid his hand on the iron chains, And like flax they moulder'd asunder, And the coffin lid that was barr'd so firm He burst with his voice of thunder. She rose on her feet in her winding sheet, Her dead flesh quiver'd with fear, And a groan like that which the woman gave Never did mortal hear. The fiend he flung her on the horse, And he leapt up before, And away like the lightning's speed they went, And she was seen no more. Louder and louder the choristers sung As they trembled more and more. And the fifty priests pray'd to Heaven for aid,— They never had pray'd so before.