Feeding a stray cat, it repeatedly came to the door bringing gifts, and even brought two kittens

What is the most special gift you have ever received? The lady never imagined she would receive a gift from a cat, let alone more than one! She will never forget the sight of that cat bringing things to her over and over again, and its grateful eyes. Actually, the lady's first impression of this cat wasn't very good because it would always attack her pet dog. Later, the cat disappeared, and when they met again, it had kittens. From the neighbors, she learned that the cat mother was a stray cat, probably abandoned by its original owner. Since then, the lady began to take care of the cat. One day, the lady found three cats on her windowsill, it turned out the cat mother brought her kittens to her doorstep. #cat #kitten #animalshelter #Rescuecat #straycat #streetcats