Wishbone Ash - Leaf And Stream Cover

One more Wishbone Ash cover. No backing track, no bass, just multi layered guitars. Leaf And Stream is s maybe somewhat overlooked piece from their classic 1972 Argus album. I love the Pink Floyd-ish atmosphere of the song! And oh-so-sweet intertwining Gibson and Fender sounds. I've kept the rhythm guitars panned as recorded in the studio version. In the first part I have mimicked Martin Turner's vocal lines with the improvised solo, solo from the second part is as on the studio version and third part is improvisation. Making a video composite was also a lots of fun :) Equipment used: • Epiphone 1960 Tribute Plus Les Paul; Fender American Standard Stratocaster • Fender Blues Junior III amp • Fx: Mooer Echolizer Delay • Microphone: Thomann MB 75 • Behringer U-Phoria UMC22, USB Audiointerface • Software: Audacity, DaVinci Resolve 15