Усадьба А.И. Коншиной / The Manor of A. I. Konshina - 1910

Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях Усадьба А.И. Коншиной Пречистенка, 16 Москва 1910 Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs The Manor of A. I. Konshina Prechistenka, 16, Мoscow 1910 Music: From Spartacus - Spartacus and Phrygia by A. Khachaturian “.........In 1882, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of textile enterprises, the Konshins clan “in retribution of their merits in the field of domestic industry” was elevated to hereditary nobility. I.N. Konshin died in 1898 childless. He left all his huge fortune in excess of 10 million rubles to his wife, Alexandra Ivanovna. She liquidated her husband's industrial enterprise, selling the factory to his brothers, and began to live alone in her house. “Konshina had no children. She was a lonely woman, unsociable, unsociable, mistrustful of her relatives, even alien to them. She lived surrounded by an incredible number of cats, the only person who was close to her was a nun-companion; The house was run by a certain Alexander Vasilievich, an Old Believer. Lawyer Alexander Fedorovich Deryuzhinsky was in charge of all matters“(A.F. Rodin). Apparently, it was he who invited the architect Anatoly Osipovich Gunst to build a luxurious house on the site of the old. So the building was conceived.....“ “Guest designed the mansion on a large scale, with no limit as to budget. The house opens onto a garden with a gazebo, protected from the side of the street by a high stone wall with arched niches, balustrades and vases ...“ “The interior the house was most impressive and none more so than the Winter Garden with Italian marble and glass...“ “The house was completed and consecrated by the name day of A.I. Konshina. On April 23, 1910, a concert was held in her honour, in which the famous musicians Alexander Goldenweiser , Sibor , Konstantin Igumnov took part . “The lonely and sick mistress did not live long in the magnificent palace: in September 1914 she died. The house passes to the nephew's wife, Varvara Petrovna Konshina, the owner of the factory in Serpukhov, who also dies in a year. Ownership is inherited by three of her married daughters - Poluektova, Yakovleva and Kolosova, and their young early 1916, they sold the house to Alexei Ivanovich Putilov. The house and contents were confiscated after the October Revolution of 1917. From 1922 to the present day, the mansion is the home of The House of Scientists.