Zephyra - Lamma Bada Yatathanna (live) | لما بدا يتثنى

Check more from the Zephyra ensemble here: Voice: Guitar: Here's our little light and intimate version of this old and famous muwashshah (Arabic poetry form and secular music genre) 'Lamma Bada Yatathanna', written in Al-Andalus, probably in or around the 13th century. The poem and song has since it's first performances proven to be very popular, and is still being performed in many versions by many artists in contemporary times. We had the honor to perform this piece on the Dutch radio station NPO radio 4, on the show De Klassieken, hosted by Ab Nieuwdorp. With the amazing soprano Sabra el bahri Khatri and guitarist Johan Timmermans from the Zephyra ensemble. Enjoy!