Bach - St John Passion - O grosse Lieb (chorale)

★★★ More videos from Bach's St John Passion: ★★★ And my videos from Bach's St Matthew Passion: ★★★ As Christmas lasts until Easter, here also a Bach Christmas mix: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): O GROSSE LIEB This is chorale no. 1 from the St. John Passion. Bach's chorales for the St John Passion are in my humble opinion the best he ever wrote. And I think that Bach's pupil Johan Philipp Kirnberger was right when he pointed out “how difficult it is not only to give each of the four voices its own flowing melody, but also to keep a uniform character in all, so that out of their union a single and perfect whole may arise. In this the late Capellmeister Bach in Leipzig perhaps excelled all the composers in the world“. O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße, Die dich gebracht auf diese Marterstraße. Ich lebte mit der Welt in Lust und Freuden, Und du mußt leiden. O mighty love, O love beyond all measure, Which thee hath brought upon this way of torment. I lived amongst the world in joy and pleasure, And thou must suffer. (Johann Heermann, 1630) The Monteverdi Choir The English Baroque Soloists Directed by John Eliot Gardiner Recording: London, All Saints' Church, Tooting, 3/1986 (Archiv) Next chorale: ♥♥♥♥♥ I put a lot of efforts and time into my videos. If you like my work, consider a donation to my channel, which will be greatly appreciated. You can use this link (my “real“ name is Niels Brandt): ♥♥♥♥♥ ★★★ Check out my Bach site: BACH Quotes - Delve into Bach, his music and vast influences Powered by quotations by prominent people from past to present