A Message To Sig Spammers in Brawlhalla

Dear Brawlhalla players, I have been playing Brawlhalla for about a week now, and overall, I really enjoy the game so far. That being said, playing ranked is an interesting experience. About a quarter of my games, I play regular players who have at least half a brain, but the other seventy five percent are the scourge of silver elo, the sig spammers, with a brain to balls ratio of zero, they don’t have a brain. Before getting into the main portion of this video, if you know someone who is a sig spammer, please send them this video and hope that they will develop at least one brain cell in their empty head. Alright, first I’ll talk about my experience with sig spammers in my first couple of days, and then I’ll elaborate on why I think people decide to limit their options to 3 slow moves. When I started to play ranked, I’m gonna be honest, sig spammers beat me fairly often because I was bad at the game (I mean I still am, but not to the same extent). I had like zero knowledge of how to avoid sigs and wh