Elihana - HaShem TZEVAOT

Adonai Tzevaot Adonai Tzevaot Hu iti Elohei Israel Hu Machasi HaEzra Sheli Be’et Tzarah Gam im Kol heharim yakumu negdi Im ha’adamah tirad, ani lo afached HaYad Hanetuyah Shelo, techazek oti Elohim lo Yaazov oti The LORD of Hosts The Lord of Hosts is with me YHWH TZEVAOT is my Refuge My present help through times of trouble Even though Mountains may rise against me And if the earth shakes and through the valley I’d have to flee He will hide me in the secret place In the Shadow of His wings, His arms will uphold me He will hide me in the secret place In the Shadow of His wings, His arms will uphold me