Constellation of Astrea

Erebus Dominion are a Hellenic Melodic Black metal band formed in 2004. The first demo released in 2005 Necrodaemon of Sorrow Arise with an old school black metal sound. After 2 years in 2007 released the second demo Aflame Trinity of Medieval Sorcery has carved out the sound into a Melodic Black Metal sound. Constellation of Astrea is the first song of the second demo Aflame Trinity of Medieval Sorcery 2007 Anno Sathanas. Constellation of Astrea lyrics: While the sky wears the pearl pendant and the majestic night sinks in silent fears. The starry choir like your humble servant, listens fitfully the music of spheres. Mesmerized by the magic of endless Night, everything seems blinding above her veil of unseen. I stand enchanted to stare the moonlight, beneath the wane appears the Blossom os Sin. My Beloved Astrea the seductive virgin of purity, imprisoned in a tower by the sea. Her glance fell upon me through obscurity, a grandstream of passion flooded her and me. Bewitced I climb the marble sparkling stairs, to liberate her from that strange prison. The tower was haunted by the black curse and her shady keepers await for a reason. So blend the turrets and shadows there, that all seems pendulous in firm air. I took an oath to find her and my steps led me in Death's lair. Upon the waveless sea a shattered bridge reflected. Beyond appears Astrea in chains. Suddenly the bridge collapsed and all hopes rejected. When i was entrapped by shades. But then the curse of spellbinds had broken, by pure light that vanished that kingdom. Astrea delivered me with Her sacrificial token and Her soul spread the wings of freedom. Mournful Nightwish transformed Her Aura into a constellation The luminous rays of the virgin embraced my emotions. Cruel destiny why dominate my life with your abomination? Penetrated my veins with your fatal poison. Feel the Death the mentality of Life, a conspiracy of silence consealed in time. Gravely wounded from the parting knife, a magnificent pain that become sublime. Morbid thoughts flow like whispers of razors, dripping blood while i kissed Her final breath. The glacial fever entwines me in tremors. The coming of Inertia , the disease of creative Death. My Beloved Astrea nymphet of all my sleepless nights. A candle in the mist of funeral skies. Our souls shall dance beyond the gleams of moonlight. Until the eidolon named Night... dies. All rights reserved by Erebus Dominion.