10 books with unique concepts (that will blow your mind)

Whether it’s video games, movies or books - I personally love when the media I’m consuming thinks outside of the box, tries to break the so-called 4th wall or has a unique spin to it. In this video I want to show you 10 of these books with unique concepts and twists that will blow your mind. 00:00 Intro 00:15 Mark Z Danielewski - House of Leaves 01:35 Ernest Vincent Wright - Gadsby 03:05 Vladimir Nabokov - Pale Fire 04:22 Geoff Ryman - 253 05:37 Julio Cortázar - Hopscotch 06:57 Italo Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveler 07:51 E. Powys Mathers - Cain’s Jawbone 09:15 Bohumil Hrabal - Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age 10:07 Douglas Hofstadter - Gödel, Escher, Bach 11:34