Batman vs Superman (2016) - Superman vs Doomsday - Pure Action [1080p]

Superman vs Doomsday vs Nuclear Warhead... Why... Just why won't they let him throw Doomsday into the sun? HISHE thought so too! Goddamn military, always buffing the enemy of the protagonists. Aaand... What was Lex plan anyway. What if this damn thing killed them all? Then what? How did he want to stop it? Kryptone is at hands of Batman... And he died. Now what? Suicide? I don't get it. And why Sup just didn't burn the damned missle with the heat-ray, and kept punching Doomsday into space? Nuclear warhead won't explode, until certain reaction starts. So you can at least try and disable it, before it kills you! But it's nice to know, that even nuclear can't kill superman. Movie info: Credits goes to: Warner Bros., Atlas Entertainment, Cruel & Unusual Films. Monetized by owner/s.