【MMD PV】 No Logic - Flower | No Logic - フラワ 「2k | 60fps」

I do, in fact, still make MMDs! I've started pumping out UTAU covers it started to get a little inconsistent. Anyways flower supremacy and especially when it's cillia's tuning. Also, by the time this is posted I will finally be out of school :D ========================================== Model: Sour | MARi556 Stages: SEGA | Dan1024 ZEPETO | NAVER Z Corp | Vprichesxd Motion: SEGA | Minmode | FlyingSpirits-P Facials: gogeds Camera: n0valtine Effects: Raycast | Ik_Bokeh | Dust Effect NPIE | Merli's butterflies --------------------------------------------------------- Original Song: JimmyThumb-P Song Cover: cillia/kyaami Subs: Migu39