La Bruja – “The witch” traditional Mexican folk song (lyrics + translation)

According to legend, a witch is a magical creature shaped like a woman who can flies becoming in a fireball or in an animal, and who needs to suck blood (from newborns usually). A witch is perhaps the cultural equivalent to Dracula from Romania. “The Witch“ is a typical song and dance from Veracruz, Mexico. It is noteworthy that Catemaco is well known because the witches and sorcerers who live there and who practice from white magic to black magic, going through red magic. “The witch“ comes to representing women who go in searching of “fresh blood“, seducing men with her charms. Según la leyenda, las brujas son seres mágicos con forma de mujer, que pueden volar convirtiéndose en bolas de fuego o en animales, y que necesitan chupar sangre (de niños pequeños por lo general). Una bruja es quizá el equivalente cultural al Drácula de Rumania. “La bruja”, es una canción y baile típicos del estado de Veracruz, México. Cab