You Corner Bug! 🐞 hidden medipack 🇨🇭 Tomb Raider, FMV Lara Croft in Palace Midas

I show the corner bug how to get a medipack, a way to avoid fire and a shortcut to the part with the levers in both long and #shorts video. Full walkthrough: We explore the Colosseum on release version before the sky was changed, and do it barefoot wearing a custom wet suit! Let's play Tomb Raider I-III Remastered with mods, the release GOG version before they made the lighting even darker on EGS. I will try to list the relevant mods in description and all, and bear with me cause I haven't finished TR1 since childhood, going for all secrets, most pickups and enemy kills. I will add info here if needed. Current mods used: New Fire Blood and Muzzle Flash & water effects by Jiraz, animal textures also! FMV Lara + Inventory overhaul for original game by Nyah Desu: