Jolene (Bardcore | Medieval Style)

▶ Consider supporting the channel on Patreon: ▶ Listen on Spotify: Jolene, By Dolly Parton (Bardcore/Medieval Style) Good morrow! I have descended from my cloister once more with another offering for the ravenous rabble. Silliness aside, I want to thank you all again for helping to make such a wholesome part of the internet. I live for your hilarious comments and witty imaginings, and only wish I had more time to devote to this. I'm back to work, so I can't aspire to weekly videos, but I do endeavour to continue making these. The art is a composite/partial paint over of three different sources, including: MS Bodley 264, and Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire U 964 - Biblia Porta fol. 178r, and one other that I've had no luck tracking down. Lyrics: Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I beg of thee, pray take not my lord Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I fear, from thee, ‘twould take naught but a word Thy beauty is beyond compare With flaming locks of auburn hair With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green Thy smile is like a breath of Spring Thy voice is soft like Summer rain And I cannot compete with thee Jolene He talketh of thee in his sleep And alas, I cannot keep From weeping when I hear thy name Jolene Although it is so plain to see How little he doth mean to thee My love for him is boundless as the sea Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I beg of thee, oh please take not my lord Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I fear, from you, ‘twould take naught but a word Thou couldst have thy choice of men But I could never love again He is the only one for me Jolene I would risk both life and limb To spend my only days with him My happiness is at thy whim, Jolene Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I beg of thee, pray take not my lord Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I fear, from thee, ‘twould take naught but a word