The Blue Danube, from the 1964 Vienna New Year’s Concert (Willi Boskovsky, Vienna Phil) Remastered

*Remastered in 32-bit, 96 kHz Willi Boskovsky, conductor Vienna Philharmonic/Wiener Philharmoniker Vienna State Ballet/Wiener Staatsballett Strauss': The Blue Danube/“An der schönen blauen Donau“, Op. 314 January 1, 1964 Wishing you all a Happy New Year, one filled with good memories and much more great music-making to come worldwide. I decided to remaster the Vienna Philharmonic's 1964 rendition (and the Vienna State Ballet's choreography) of Strauss' The Blue Danube in the spirit of humanity. In the spirit of respect, love, friendship, and peace. We meet conflict with goodwill. We meet darkness with light. If we have to fight to keep the feelings of these alive, we will fight to preserve them. To my subscribers: This video marks the final remastering project for me as I transition my channel back to piano and MIDI videos. This will allow me to respect all rules in place in regards to music;, and I will shift my promotion of recordings from my remastering of them to sharing direct links to the originals. Please stay tuned for more posts to come via the Community tab for existing recordings and video is a tough decision for me as I am really picky when it comes to audio. I think the magic is there when both the music-making and the audio side are equally superb. I would like to thank everyone for listening to my remastered recordings. It was a pleasure for me to do what I love to do, and more importantly to share them all with you along the way. Please stay tuned for more videos to come and I hope you all have a fun and safe year ahead. Remastered By: Wayne Yang, USA - Taiwan ------------------------------------------ 維也納愛樂樂團 / 藍色多瑙河 [tw] ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 / 美しく青きドナウ [jp] 빈 필하모닉 오케스트라 / 아름답고 푸른 도나우 [kr] Віденська філармонія / Блакитний Дунай [ua] Filharmonii Wiedeńskiej / Błękitny Dunaj [pl] Philharmonique de Vienne / Le Danube bleu [fr] Filarmônica de Viena / O Danúbio Azul [pt] Wienin filharmonikot / Sininen Tonava [fl] Wene Filharmonie / Die Blou Donau [za] הפילהרמונית של וינה / הדנובה הכחולה (hb) أوركسترا فيينا الفيلهارمونية / نهر الدانوب الأزرق [ar] Венская филармония / Голубой Дунай [ru]