Ye Banished Privateers: Livestream Watch Party (instead of Drunken Rehearsals #8)

Watch our pre-recorded live gig on Saturday 5/12, 10pm in our YouTube channel! On the first Saturday each month, we have had the privilege to be able to play and chat online with fans all over the world to keep some kind of normality in these challenging times. We have called this concept “Drunken Rehearsals” and well, it pretty much says it all. With Covide 19 now hitting our part of Sweden harder than ever before, and with that, adjusted restrictions, we are not able to safely meet up to play together. Therefore, this Saturday, we will stream a live video that we recorded and aired during the summer. It's a production that some of you have seen before but that is well worth watching again. Not the least for the quality content of Blackpowder Pete taking a bath in Jim’s pee. Enjoy!