Four Champions of Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics 4人の全日本チャンピオン達

Kohei Ogawa: 2015 All-Japan Champion. He has elegance and fluidity as well as high tumbling skills and strength. He performed on a Russian TV show in May 2018, and is currently a member of “Michael Jackson ONE“ by Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas. Naoya Nagai: He is one of the most beloved gymnasts ever. The uniqueness and originality of his routines amazed the audience and even judges. He used to be called “uncrowned king“, but in 2017, he won the title of national champion. Yuga Usui: His power, strength, and masculinity show what Men's RG should be. Not only that, he has unrivaled expertise in apparatus handling. He won the “All-Japan Championship“ in 2016, and even after graduating from college, he keeps competing in major competitions until now. Shoji Fukunaga: As well as his flawless apparatus handling, speed and accuracy in his routines enabled him to win his first all-around national title in 2018. He is also a person of great character: modest, gen