I never thought cleaning my room would change my life, but here I am a new person all thanks to a few days of extreme bedroom decluttering inspired by Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and her KonMari Method. Lou and I spent a few days organizing, cleaning and decluttering my childhood bedroom from clothes and closets to books and boxes of sentimental items. I can truly attest to the life-changing magic of the KonMari Method. We purged my closet of over a decade worth of clutter and were able to minimize my possessions to just those that spark joy. A friend of mine joked that we are the only people who live in a van that are also secret hoarders, but after finishing this cleaning process I can proudly say that is no longer true! This process helped us to reach the minimal lifestyle that we aspire to embody and I truly feel a million pounds lighter knowing that I actually have a bedroom and not a storage unit waiting for me at my parents' house. We hope you enjoy this one! Let us know about your own clea