This Investor Raised Billions by Making Complicated Ideas Simple | Howard Marks

Want to build influence with great ideas and simple writing? Look no further than Howard Marks. Most smart people use big words and plastic jargon to reinforce the barrier between themselves and “the common folk.” Howard, on the other hand, breaks down this barrier, and that’s why his ideas are so influential (and why he’s Warren Buffett’s favorite author). Ironically enough, simple writing is the hardest to master. Einstein once said that there are four types of intelligence: “bright, brilliant, genius, and simple.” In this episode, you’ll hear how Howard turns decades of investment expertise into clear, simple language. You’ll learn: *Why high-quality work is more important than ever *How discovering your unique point of view is crucial if you want your ideas to make an impact *Howard’s four tenets for high-quality writing: clarity, humor, interesting topics, and challenging your reader. Ultimately, you’ll learn how this billionaire investor shares his ideas in a