Antonio Vivaldi: Sovente il sole - Rachel Redmond, Lina Tur Bonet and Barokkanerne

Live recording from Universitetets Aula, Oslo, BAROKKANERNE - NORWEGIAN BAROQUE ENSEMBLE ‘Luttorama’ / ‘Liutomania’ Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741): Sovente il sole Rachel Redmond, soprano Lina Tur Bonet, solo violin BAROKKANERNE - NORWEGIAN BAROQUE ENSEMBLE Karolina Radziej, violin Mari Giske, viola Gunnar Hauge, cello Fredrik Blikeng, double bass Solmund Nystabakk, theorbo and baroque guitar Gunnhild Tønder, harpsichord Jadran Duncumb, lute and direction Sound recording: Thomas Wolden Video: Odd Geir Sæther LUTTORAMA / LIUTOMANIA A Barokkanerne programme celebrating the lute and its multifaceted nature in the baroque as an accompanying instrument, a solo instrument, obbligato instrument in grand orchestral arias, and as a soloist with orchestra. With the soprano, Rachel Redmond, Barokkanerne’s resident lute player, Jadran Duncumb, and frequent guest concertmaster Lina Tur Bonet.