LA LA LAND Paris Waltz Dance from Epilogue scene. (Scoring by Justin Hurwitz)

Sebastian and Mia emerge from a tunnel onto the side of the river Seine, which is composed with glittery blue strips They stroll pass the person with an umbrella, a couple kissing on a bench, and a florist frozen in time handing wrap flowers to a sailor. Sebastian and Mia join hands and face each other. Their arms move to an open dance position, and they waltz out to a glow watery reflective surface beneath a black backdrop filled with glowing stars. Mia's gostumer white gown billows exquisitely as her dashing partner twirls her. Letting go of his right hand, she takes whole of his left and stretches up fluidly at his side before spinning back into a dip. They resume their waltz, smiling amorously at one another. Sebastian twirls her again, then they spin together with one arm wrap around each others midriff. Without breaking stride, he lifts her off her feet and gently sats her back down. As he dips her once more, the starlight fades to blackness.