The Last Tiger II Prototype - History Bovington Tiger.

The Last Tiger II Prototype - History of the Bovington Tiger. During April 1945 the British Captured several vehicles at the Henschel proving grounds at Haustenbeck, Sennelager, Germany. They would discover several interesting vehicles here Like the immense chassis of the E100 project and the Grille II or the geschuttzwagen Tiger, a Jagdtiger which had the rare Porsche running gear, and two Soft steal Tiger II prototypes, a VK henchels prototype that was made into and experimental trench digger, and two soft steal tiger ii prototypes. Soft steel meaning that it used mild steel for these prototypes and not normal hardened armoured plating. The two V2 Tiger prototypes both had the same Early Krupp turrets design, these turrets and especially the Tiger II is often mistakenly called the Porsche Tiger II. after the “Porsche“ turret due to the misbelief that these turrets were designed by Porsche for their prototype, in reality both turrets were designed by Krup