Learn Modern JavaScript Fundamentals in 7 Hours! FREE COURSE

► Download JavaScript templates from CodeCanyon: JavaScript is the language of the web. If you want to code for the web, you need to know JavaScript inside and out. From humble beginnings, JavaScript has grown to a powerful and complex language with features such as classes, promises, arrow functions, generators, string templates, and many others. In this course, you'll learn all of the essential concepts of the JavaScript language. That's right: all of them! Including the most important recent improvements to the language. You'll start with the very fundamentals of the language: variables and datatypes. Then in each lesson you'll build knowledge, from data structures like arrays and maps to loops, control structures, and functions. Along with the basics of the language, you'll also learn some key built-in APIs for manipulating data, AJAX, and working with the web browser DOM. Finally, you'll get a look at some of the most powerful and widely-used web APIs that are supported by all modern browsers. View on GitHub: Discuss in the Forum: # 1. Introduction 00:00:00 1.1 Introduction 00:00:10 1.2 Setup # 2. Language Fundamentals 00:07:46 2.1 Variables 00:14:07 2.2 Data Types 00:25:21 2.3 Arithmetic, Assignment, and Comparison Operators 00:34:56 2.4 Unary, Logical, Comma, and Spread Operators 00:42:57 2.5 Exponentiation and Logical Assignment Operators 00:47:32 2.6 Operator Precedence 00:51:05 2.7 Reserved Words 00:53:50 2.8 Numeric separators 00:55:45 2.9 Strict Mode 00:59:28 Nullish Coalescing & Optional Chaining 01:03:11 Functions # 3. Data Structures 01:13:52 3.1 Arrays 01:18:18 3.2 Objects 01:22:46 3.3 Sets 01:27:38 3.4 Maps 01:31:57 3.5 Weak Maps and Weak Sets # 4. Controlling Program Execution 01:36:22 4.1 Conditionals 01:43:50 4.2 Try Catch 01:46:46 4.3 Switch Statements 01:51:16 4.4 The For Loop 01:57:03 4.5 The `for .. in` Loop 02:01:56 4.6 The `for .. of` Loop 02:05:35 4.7 Iterators 02:10:31 4.8 While Loops # 5. Using JavaScript 02:14:03 5.1 Working With Strings 02:23:26 5.2 Working With Strings: Padding, Trimming, and Replacing 02:27:34 5.3 Template Literals 02:33:02 5.4 Working With Numbers 02:39:31 5.5 Working With BigInts 02:44:08 5.6 Working With Arrays 02:55:10 5.7 Iterating and Transforming Arrays 03:02:34 5.8 Searching and Flattening Arrays 03:05:47 5.9 Working With the Object Type 03:18:57 Object Literal Extensions 03:25:41 Working With Object Instances 03:32:19 Object Methods for Keys and Properties 03:36:35 Getters and Setters 03:40:57 Custom Objects 03:52:11 The `Math` API 03:57:02 Working With Dates and Times 04:04:50 The `Array` Constructor # 6. Functions 04:09:45 6.1 The `this` Object 04:15:00 6.2 Working With Functions 04:24:30 6.3 Scope 04:31:46 6.4 The globalThis Property 04:34:08 6.5 Arrow Functions 04:41:02 6.6 Generator Functions 04:48:33 6.7 Closures 04:53:30 6.8 Prototypes 04:59:53 6.9 Spread Syntax 05:02:19 Default and Rest Parameters # 7. Miscellaneous 05:07:21 7.1 Destructuring Assignments 05:15:28 7.2 AJAX 05:20:50 7.3 Regular Expressions 05:31:31 7.4 More About Regular Expressions 05:40:01 7.5 Even More Regular Expressions 05:42:54 7.6 Classes 05:49:29 7.7 Timeouts and Intervals 05:53:34 7.8 ES Modules # 8. Working With the DOM 06:01:54 8.1 Selecting HTML Elements 06:06:51 8.2 Manipulating HTML Elements 06:14:19 8.3 DOM Traversal 06:19:36 8.4 Adding and Removing Elements 06:24:18 8.5 Creating Elements and Other Nodes 06:28:54 8.6 DOM Events # 9. Web APIs 06:38:37 9.1 The Selector API 06:41:10 9.2 Geolocation 06:46:24 9.3 Web Storage 06:51:31 9.4 Web Workers # 10. Asynchronous JavaScript 06:55:03 10.1 Promises 07:04:52 10.2 Promise Chaining 07:10:07 10.3 Promise Methods: All and Any 07:14:01 10.4 The `async` Keyword 07:17:19 10.5 The `await` Keyword 07:21:16 10.6 More About `async` and `await` 07:25:05 10.7 Asynchronous Iteration 07:28:49 10.8 Dynamic Imports # 11. Conclusion 07:30:58 11.1 Conclusion ► Download unlimited graphics and templates with Envato Elements: Read more JavaScript tutorials on Envato Tuts+: