Michael Jackson’s Honey Beats - Beat IT Jackson | #sundayspl #mj #short #reels #music #billiejean

Album: “Beat It“ by Michael Jackson - Interesting Facts Did you know that Michael Jackson's iconic hit album “Beat It“ is packed with fascinating details? From the epic guitar solo to its chart-topping success, this album is a masterpiece. 🎶 Explore the untold stories behind Michael Jackson's “Beat It“ album, uncovering its secrets and trivia. Get ready to moonwalk through music history! FACTS: BEAT IT 1. **Release Date**: “Beat It“ is a song from Michael Jackson's album “Thriller,“ which was released on November 30, 1982. 2. **Iconic Collaboration**: The song features a legendary guitar solo by Eddie Van Halen, which added a rock edge to Jackson's pop music. 3. **Chart-Topping Success**: “Beat It“ reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, staying there for three weeks. 4. **Grammy Awards**: The song won t