Trhä - vat gëlénva​!​!​! (2022)

Not even two weeks after last full length, the enigmatic Trhä strikes again with another monstruous full-length, already the third this year. After the last album, where we saw Thét Älëf delving into more traditionalist, old-school territories, this record goes even more into that path, dwelling across different dimensions and streams of Black Metal arts and even other Extreme Metal subgenres. Here we can easily identify more frantic and melodic riffage that could easily be traced back to Sacramentum, to moments of cold melodicism à lá Sorhin as well as more manic incursions into Manierisme territory. There are also moments of more stripped down old school mysticism, not too unlike early Emperor, as well as passages of deathly fury than even go into Death Metal leaning territory like Angelslaughter or even more Thrash-y passages, and tracks with the projects characteristic modern take on Symphonic BM. The production itself is also much cleaner than previous releases