Broken Roads - Official Launch Trailer | The Triple-i Initiative

Learn more about Broken Roads: Broken Roads celebrates its launch across PC and consoles with a tense Launch Trailer. This post-apocalyptic CRPG set in the Australian Outback features more than words of dialogue, a branching narrative requiring players to make tough decisions, and a new take on the dialogue morality system. The Australian dev team at Drop Bear Bytes is led by Colin McComb, who previously worked on Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, Wasteland 2, and Torment: Tides of Numenera. Follow news and updates on The Triple-i Initiative: Website: Steam: Twitter: YouTube: Twitch: About The Triple-i Initiative: The Triple-i Initiative is a new collaborative effort to highlight fan-favorite games and hype up established indie classics as well as new IPs. The Initiative is backed by strong independent studios such as Evil Empire, Red Hook, Mega Crit Games, Poncle, Stunlock Studios, Thunder Lotus, Re- Logic, Ghostship Games, Extremely OK Games, Heart Machine and more.