What is Perfect Penetration for Radiographic Testing TIG Welding ?

You can get more accurate answers by contacting the manufacturer for information on welding machines and peripherals. NSWEL's email ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ korea@ Hello everyone. Radiographic Test The welding method that can pass the radiographic test is called RT welding. Also called x-ray welding. RT welding requires many elements. Today, I recorded the most basic contents among the methods of RT welding in a video. I hope this information was helpful for beginners who are learning tig welding. Thanks for watching and have a nice week. #RT #x_ray #TIG #welding #pipe #radiography #test #Pass #Perfect #Penetration #hacks #tips #secret #tricks #DIY #steel #crafts #amazing #idea #ideas #HAGOJIBI #video