NGO: Ambient / Drone / Soundscape Machine. “A Good Day to Drone“ (Strymon, Meris, CBA Blooper)

NGO is a unique instrument that was made for me by my friend Viktor Sherbatyuk. Viktor was so kind to spend his time and efforts to put my puzzle-headed ideas in order and finally make them real. This NGO Drone Machine was planned for Slow Music… one cannot play NGO fast and this is cool! The idea behind this instrument was to have 1 bass string with a long scale and 3 strings with a scale of an electric guitar. 3 pickups – two Piezo and one Humbacker. NGO has no neck and frets, the strings are set high above the body so I can easily vibrate them in a wide range. The volume swells are played with Morley Volume PRO pedal. Pitch-shifted tones: Meris Hedra and Chase Bliss Audio Blooper. Delay: Strymon Volante. Meris Polymoon works in my favorite textural mode: Dimensions to 100%. Strymon Timeline works in Frippertronics mode that I mimic with Dual delay – see more about it in this video: