JKA Nijushiho (34 moves) by Naka Sensei

Nijushiho, or “24 Steps,“ is named after the number of foot movements, or “steps,“ present in the kata. Originally called Niseishi (twenty-four) in Okinawan, it is one of three Shotokan kata that descended from Seisho Aragaki, the others being Sochin and Unsu. The Aragaki kata are arguably the most popular of the advanced Shotokan kata, possessing unusual and mystical techniques, allowing a natural flow from one move to another. This is especially true with Nijushiho, where at certain points in the kata, the timing becomes very rapid, almost seeming a little rushed, yet always followed by a slow move to temper the kata's pace and maintain the kata's fluidity. It is an excellent kata for developing timing and rhythm.