38 - Soham Soham Dhyan Karo | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans

Lyrics: Soham Soham Dhyan Karo Sadguru Sai Dhyan Karo Soham Brahma Soham Vishnu Soham Sai Dhyan Karo Soham Atma Shiva Paramatma Brahmanand Se Hriday Bharo Meaning: Meditate on the breathe ‘So-ham’ which is ‘I am that’ Meditate on Lord Sai who is our True Teacher Meditate on ‘So-ham’ which is none other than Brahma, Vishnu and Sai ‘So-ham’ is Self (Atma) and the Supreme Self (Lord Shiva) as well Thus fill the heart with the Divine bliss!