Lugansky - Chopin Fantasy-Impromptu in C sharp minor

Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) Fantasy-Impromptu in C sharp minor, Op. 66 (1834; pub. 1855) Nikolai Lugansky, 2021, Trans-siberian Festival Novosibirsk Philharmonic Society Allegro agitato - Moderato cantabile - Tempo primo “I observe nowadays a tendency among some pianists regarding Chopin. They cite this letter and that testimony from his contemporaries that Chopin didn’t have great physical strength, that he would have played everything mezzo voce, gently, and avoiding fortissimo. Therefore, they say, one should play all Chopin’s works tenderly, delicately, and never masculinely. I disagree - I understand Chopin’s music differently. Before me, other artists have played Chopin with strength; there was (Anton) Rubinstein...” - Rachmaninoff, “Réflexions et souvenirs” #chopin