The Dreamachine is a hallucinogenic trip into our own minds

The Dreamachine is a mind-bending light and sound extravaganza designed to be experienced with your eyes closed. Currently installed in Woolwich, London, the high-sensory experience invites members of the public into the Dreamachine, where kaleidoscopic visual hallucinations are generated by flashing lights and an immersive 360-degree soundscape. Inspired by a transcendental experience at a gig by the project’s composer, Jon Hopkins, director Jennifer Crook brought Hopkins together with neuroscientists and philosophers to create the unique experience that will also collect participant data to help scientists reveal the inner workings of our minds. New Scientist took a ride in the machine and spoke to the creative team behind the project, including consciousness researcher Anil Seth. “We all have different experiences of the shared world [and] the Dreamachine brings those differences to light in a beautiful and creative way,” says Seth. “Understanding these differences can be a catalyst, I think,