Производственная площадка ООО “КЗКО“ по производству инсинераторов под торговой маркой “Гейзер“

Костромской завод котельного оборудования - производитель отопительного оборудования в центральной России. Ассортимент продукции насчитывает около 100 наименований продукции. Мы производим и продаем котлы пиролизные (на дровах, на угле) бытовые и промышленные, банные, воздухогрейные и отопительные печи, инсинераторы (для сжигания отходов) и крематоры, баки для воды подвесные и на струбу, сопутствующие товары и многое другое. Подробнее на GEYZER LLC is one of the biggest russian developer and manufacturer of incinerators under the brand of GeyzerTM. This equipment is designed for thermal neutralization and destruction of wastes of various hazard types. Incineration (high-temperature combustion) is the most effective and in-demand method of waste disposal, especially in the places of their formation. Incinerators GeyzerTM complies with Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste, so they can be installed in the EU, too. Geyzer waste incineration plants carry out environmentally friendly emissions to the atmosphere, keeping it from pollution. Based on competently selected reliable parts and components, we will create the best incinerator for your specific needs. For solid and liquid waste, waste gases, sludge or for all these types of waste at the same time, we can offer you a solution that will satisfy all requirements of laws in the field of environmental protection and all economic requirements of a customer. FOR THIS PURPOSE, OUR RANGE OF PRODUCTS INCLUDES: - Bottom combustion chambers for the long or cyclic operation of rotary combustion chambers - The dry, wet or combined treatment cleaning system of exhaust gases - A reliable operating and monitoring system