Monty Python - International Philosophy (The Philosophers’ Football Match)

Famous German philosophers (and one actual footballer) face off against the favoured Greek squad in this sketch from “Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl“ (originally from their “Fliegender Zirkus“). Germany: 1 LEIBNIZ,2 ,3 HEGEL,4 SCHOPENHAUER,5 SCHELLING,6 BECKENBAUER,7 JASPERS,8 SCHLEGEL,9 WITTGENSTEIN,10 NIETZSCHE,11 HEIDEGGER Greece: 1 PLATO,2 EPIKTET,3 ARISTOTELE,4 SOPHOKLES, 5 EMPEDOKLES VON ACRAGA,6 PLOTIN,7 EPIKUR, 8 HERAKLIT,9 DEMOKRIT,10 SOKRATES,11 ARCHIMEDES