Chinese Tribal Music + DINOSAUR CELLO = Tina Guo (The Water Phoenix)

THE WATER PHOENIX 🔥 Single & Music Video 1/1/24 Rehearsing for my Music Video shoot in 2 weeks! This song is co-produced by Steve Mazzaro & features Chinese Cobra. I sing, grunt, and play the Triceratone, Erhu, Jaw Harp, Drums, and Shakers on this first single from my new Chinese Tribal Project. Huge thanks to Anže Rozman, Kara Talve, Hans Zimmer & Russell Emanuel for lending me their amazing Triceratone that they designed and had custom-built by Charles Chaz LaBrecque for their Emmy Nominated score for Apple TV’s #PrehistoricPlanet at Bleeding Fingers Music 🦖 The Dino Cello comprises a Nedocerotops skull replica, velociraptor claw tuning pegs, ammonite crest & double bass neck. #cello #cellist #chinese #dinosaur #music #tribal #prehistoric #viking #viking #epic #epicmusic #tinaguo