How a WW1 officer discovered black holes

Get stuck into problems about relativity and gravity with Brilliant: Karl Schwarzschild: Relativity demonstration video: Schwarzschild's solution: Black hole video from NASA Goddard: Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon: Dan Hanvey, David Efird, Charles Bray, Elliot Conway, Syafiq Kay, Xavier Chesterfield, Jay Wright, Myles Kornfeld, Louis Gillet, Michael Phillips, Neudys Almonte, Fraser Birks, Martin Hermes, Anh Duong, Luca Schumann, Rhys Rickard-Frost, Cameron Matchett, Lachlan Woods, Tim Boxall, Simon Vaes, Gabriele Mozzicato, Jawad Alalasi, Gaia Frazao Nery, Kodzo, Josh Ruby, Claire Anthony, Eve Dillon, Rowan Gow, Matthias Loos, James Bridges, James Craig, Angela, Sanaa Al Derei, Mark Anthony Magro, Liam, Theresa Wang, Kieran Kelly, Wendover Produ