Q&A ETD - Eustachian Tube Dysfunction - Other remedies to try

If you have tried my ETD Exercise, TMJ and Sleep Apneas videos but you still have fullness in your ears, tinnitus, sinus issues, muffled hearing, ear pain, reduced hearing or problems with balance, this information could be great for you. Dr. Fields practices in Northern California and can be reached for in-person or telehealth appointments at by clicking on “Book Online“. LINK to Microbiome Labs I recommend starting with a minimum of 2 bottles of the Megaspore and 1 of the Mega-prebiotic. ENDONASAL CRANIAL ADJUSTING #:~:text=Fortunately%2C%20Endonasal%20Cranial%20Adjusting%20can,optimized%20with%20Endonasal%20Cranial%20Adjusting. PETTIBON CHIROPRACTIC MUNCIE TECHNIQUE Sinus and Eu