Our visit to Rochester, Kent

A quick visit to the historic town of Rochester, on the banks for the River Medway in Kent From the High Street, that follows the Roman road from London to Dover, known as Watling Street. Also known to Charles Dickens, who featured many of the building in his stories. We take in the Guildhall Museum, discover the College Gate before heading onto Rochester's Visitor's Centre & Art Gallery (including the Huguenot Museum) before strolling onto Eastgate House. Our tour now takes us up Crow Lane towards the Vines, past Restoration House. A quick stroll through the Vines park before detouring around towards The Precinct before heading onto Rochester Cathedral. The cathedral dates from AD604, which makes Rochester Castle, and it's Keep, pretty modern at 1127. A quick stroll around the grounds of Rochester Castle, taking in the Crimean Cannon before our final destination of The Esplanade Thanks so much for watching, and we'd love to hear from you so please leave a c