“Believer“ - Adrienne Cowan (Myrath cover) || Practice Cam: Patron’s Challenge

If you follow me on Instagram, you're probably familiar with my love for making Practice Cams. They are little short videos where I practice singing a section of something kind of difficult for me, and talk about the challenges and techniques in the caption. Recently, a patron challenged me to some Myrath, referencing their melodic ornaments/melismas as a bit difficult. I agree! I found out I'd been just kind of “floating“ around the notes sloppily... So the first step was actually learning the notes, to define them better and to be able to relax out of the tension that came from trying to sound good to compensate for not knowing the notes :'D Then came checking the live version for any of Zaher's cool variations, and choosing lead lines where the vocal parts overlap. Since the song is a bit low for my voice, I also went through and tried to put some grit in key places to make it sound a little more badass. When even all of that didn't feel like enough, I liste