Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play “Our Song“

Hey guys! This weekend we are celebrating a milestone birthday! Ten years ago we welcomed our third baby, and first daughter, Bellamy June into our family. She was born on national superheroes day although we didn’t know that until they announced it on the news that morning, right before I started pushing. Ironically, the outfit we bought for her to meet her brothers in for the first time was a little pink superwoman onesie complete with a cape. The boys were really into superheroes at 4 and 2 years old, so they immediately thought she was the coolest in that little outfit. They have been the three musketeers ever since. Bellamy has never met a stranger. She makes new best friends wherever she goes. She is the life of the party and never sits still for longer than 3 minutes. She loves flowers, and gardening like me, and heads out to the garden every morning after breakfast, barefoot, to pick the beetles out of the sunflowers. She is wild hair, don’t care. In the course of one day she’s an arti