Pitbull jumps out of the van window and attacks a cat!!!

Pitbull attacks a cat - Pitbull attack Our video today is about a pitbull jumping off the van and attacking a cat. People often choose dogs because of the way they look, not understanding what the dog was bred for. 99% of what dogs do is based upon, what they were bred for. Hounds seek out follow and alert the hunter to prey. Bird dogs like poodles and retrievers are bred to bring prey back that the hunter has killed. Gun dogs like pointers and setters are bred to track birds and hold their position until the Hunter reaches them, then they flush the birds out of the brush and, retrieve the birds that the hunter has shot. Herding dogs do just that, they herd flocks. Then you have the working dogs. They might be guard dogs, they might be bred to rescue humans, they might pull carts, etc. As far as pit bulls go, they belong to the terrier group. Pit bulls are one of the largest Terriers in existence. Terriers are the only dog group that are bred to kill their prey. That doesn't mean that p