Rodion Shchedrin and Vera Gornostaeva play Chopin etude and mazurka - video

Rodion Shchedrin and Vera Gornostayeva playing and discussing Chopin's etude op. 10 no. 1 and mazurka op. 17 no. 4. At 0:38 Shchedrin explains that Yakov Flier taught him to sit 2cm to the left while playing the etude. And at 3:03 in the mazurka that Flier taught him to play as if your fingers scrape the lacquer off the keys. This video captures the wonderfully sensitive and aristocratic playing of Rodion Shchedrin, particularly at the close-up at 4:00 of him playing the mazurka (and the wonderfully layered sound he creates before). This fragment comes from a documentary entitled Музыканты о музыке. Я.Флиер in which students of Flier play the piano in memory of their great teacher. I have uploaded other videos from it including Shchedrin playing Chopin's op. 68 no. 4 mazurka and prelude no. 7; Pletnev playing Liszt; and Vlassenko playing Beethoven. Родион Щедрин - Вера Горностаева - Фредерик Шопен