The Greatest Race: How We Brought Roman Chariot Races to Life – The Making-Of

© Faber Courtial / Lion TV, Smithsonian Channel, Channel 4, ZDF, ARTE In our making-of for the TV production “The Greatest Race“, we provide insights into the challenges and solutions in reconstructing the famous chariot races of the Circus Maximus. With the help of 3D animation, we aimed to capture the dynamics and spirit of the Roman Empire, bringing this ancient world to life for today's audience. This process involved close collaboration between our digital artists, historians, and archaeologists to achieve as authentic a depiction as possible. Our goal was to convey a detailed and accurate picture of the Circus Maximus and the chariot races, which were among the most popular entertainment forms in ancient Rome. The focus was on the accuracy of the reconstruction, from the chariots to the crowds in the stadium, based on the latest research findings on architecture and everyday life in the Roman Empire. This project not only highlights the technical aspects of 3D modeling and animation but also the cultural significance of the chariot races and their role in the history of the Roman Empire. It offers a deep insight into the work necessary to bring past times to life with digital means and make history accessible to a wide audience. The Greatest Race | Full Documentary