Evidence of Ancient Astronauts in Indonesia ? Candi Sukuh Temple - Episode 1

There is something strange about a remote temple in Indonesia. It is called Candi Sukuh and it shows carvings of ancient astronauts. The main shrine is also built as a Pyramid, very similar to ancient pyramids of Egypt and Mayans. But there is something even more strange: We can find evidence of forbidden carvings including umbilical cord and placenta. Whatsapp :// Instagram................ Facebook.............. Twitter...................... Email id - @ This is my Patreon account if you like to support me - 0:00 - A Locked Carving? 1:46 Twisted Silver String 3:21 Where is the baby? 4:41 A Pyramid? 5:41 Indonesian Pyramid 7:12 What's on Pyramid's Top? 8:05 A Unique Lingam 9:53 Forbidden Temple of Candi Sukuh 12:01 Ancient Astronaut? 14:20 Conclusion Hey guys, in this video, I will show you solid evidence of ancient astronauts in Indonesia. There is a secret carving kept behind locked doors. This carving clearly shows a male organ entering a female organ, there is no doubt about this, but where is such a carving found? More importantly, why is it locked? Why is it forbidden to go and touch it? Luckily on the other side, the latch has gotten rusted and busted, so let us go inside and take a closer look. This is found in an ancient temple called Candi Sukuh in Indonesia. The female part is carved in a very detailed fashion, the anatomical accuracy is stunning. There is an opening carved in the center, and we can see the flaps or labia on both sides. But there are strange details that cannot be explained. Look on this side, you can see 3 string like projections. What is that? You may think this is just a mistake, but no, you can see the exact same detail carved on this side of the female organ as well. This is just bizarre, because we cannot see such a detail in the human anatomy, human females do not have these extensions on their bodies, so why does this carving show such a detail? But there is another strange detail, carved here - you see this string, that is carved around? Take a moment to think about what it could be? Archeologists and historians of Indonesia have simply dismissed it as a garland of flowers or a wreath, placed for decoration. But this shows the umbilical cord, this is not a garland or wreath, this shows the result, of what happens after the union of masculine and feminine energy. The twists or the knots in the carving clearly prove that this is an umbilical cord. Hindus believe that each twist in the umbilical cord is formed during each month of pregnancy. A human baby would be delivered after 10 lunar months, so the human umbilical cord was believed to have 10 twists. But there is a strange twist in this carving, let’s count the number of twists: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11. Yes, there are a total of 11 twists meaning that the baby was in the womb for 11 months, unlike regular human beings. Was it human? Where is the baby that was cut from this umbilical cord? Did ancient builders carve the baby in the same temple? Right next to the locked door, on the wall, we can see this weird carving, let’s take a closer look. Is that a baby crawling on the floor? I have not seen such a carving in my life, the face looks different, its head seems to be unusually large, and its fingers and toes seem to be elongated, but the most important detail is on the top. Can you guess what this is? Take a good look and think about it, what is this? It is the placenta. The placenta is the organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy, It provides oxygen and nutrients to a baby through the umbilical cord. When the baby is born, the placenta also comes out in bits and pieces. Interestingly, the placenta is carved in other ancient sites, including Pyramids of Egypt. But why is it carved in this temple? But is this also a Pyramid? Where do we see these carvings? All these carvings are found inside and on the walls of this pyramid like structure. Is this ancient site in Indonesia somehow connected to the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt? Or are they linked to Mayan Pyramids in Mexico? Now, you may look at this structure and say Praveen, this is not a pyramid, this is just a small covered entrance to the temple complex. We know Indonesia is thousands of miles away from Egypt and Mexico, and Indonesians did not build pyramids. You are just connecting this entrance way with ancient pyramids to spice up the video, right? No, let’s take a look at the main temple here. The main temple of the Candi Sukuh complex is this, yes, it is a Pyramid.